The 10th Convocation of the Deemed to be University- KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER) was held on a digital platform on 14th July 2020. Dr. K Sudhakar, Minister of Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka was the Chief Guest.
In this convocation a total of 44 gold medals and 12 Ph.Ds and 1398 degrees including 9 post doctoral (DM/Mch), 400 Post graduate, 886 Under graduates, 51 Post –Graduate Diploma, 14 Certificate course, 10 Fellow Ships and 16 Diploma completion degrees/certificates, were awarded.
Vice Chancellor, KAHER, Dr Vivek Saoji, Registrar, Dr Kothiwale, Members of the Board of Management, KLE Society, University Officials, Heads of Institutions and Departments were present.