Dedicating to the nation the doubling of the railway track between Ghataprabha and Chikodi
Developmental works continue to gather momentum and promise easy transit and travel.Dedicating to the nation the doubling of the railway track between Ghataprabha and Chikodi.
Dignitaries who graced the occasion include Honorable Minister of State for Railways-Shri Suresh Angadi, Honorable Deputy Chief Minister and Transport & Agriculture Minister, Govt of Karnataka-Shri Laxman Savadi, Honorable Minister of Large and Medium Scale Industries-Govt of Karnataka ,-Shri Jagadish Shettar, Minister of Women and Child development and
Empowerment of differently abeled and senior citizens-Smt Shashikala Jolle, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, Chikodi-Shri Annasaheb Jolle, MLA Gokak- Shri Ramesh Jarkiholi, Chief Whip, Government of Karnataka, MLC-Shri Mahantesh and several other local leaders and representatives.