“Life Time Achievement” Award by Veera Shaiva Lingayat Pratishthan, Solapur- 25th Dec 2022

“Life Time Achievement” Award by Veera Shaiva Lingayat Pratishthan, Solapur- 25th Dec 2022

Honoured by the gracious bestowal of the “Life Time Achievement” Award by Veera Shaiva Lingayat Pratishthan,Solapur for my humble contributions to education and healthcare.The event was graced by the holy presence of Srikanth Shivacharya Mahaswamiji (Nagansur). Rajshekhar Shivdare (The Chairman of Valsang Spinning Mill, Solapur), Shri Amar Sabale (former member of Rajya Sabha) Shri Rajasekhar Bijapure (The President of Lingayat Pratishthan, Solapur), Adv. Basavraj Salgar and other dignitaries were present.

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